Sunday 3 March 2013

I wonder

So many people in second life,everyone has their own story to tell.Every story more dramatic than the other one.Being a hopeless romantic I have always sought to find a couple who has the perfect love story. 3 years of my life in the virtual world has taught me that relationships don't last. No, I am not talking about romantic relationship.I mean the other bonds which we form with people.I have been glad to have been blessed with a few heart touching people throughout my second life. But cursed too since I won't know what happened to them. Three such friends of my was praxthym tophat,jeffery83,nathan scaggs. They came,we talked, they conquered my heart through friendship and caring..
Praxthym he said to me he would return  next day and tell me about his projects he was gonna submit the next morning...
Jeffery83 said he is gonna go and try to talk to his real ex and then let me know what happened ..he gave me his real email,added me on skype. Sadly its been 3 years now, since I saw him going offline on skype with a smiley face since I had motivated him to take 1 last shot in fixing his relationship with his wife.
Nathan said he was going on a trip for 2 weeks
Whats common in between these three guys ? They never returned.
At times I do wonder, where are they, what are they upto ..are they even alive...
Guess I won't ever know no. But what I have learned from them is that you need years to make someone love you or even like you. Few weeks of just being a good human being is enough to be remembered eternally by some other person sitting on the other end of the planet missing you forever.
Motto of the experience : Be nice to everyone, Life is too short to hate someone.Everyone one of us has the power to put a smile on a stranger's face across the planet and change their lives. Thats the power of a single good human soul .

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